FVLL Records

Genre Popmusik


1 Wrong Direction / Story of my life
2 Miley Cyprus / Wrecking haul
3 Lionel Bitchy / All night wrong
4 Selena Pommes / The brain wants what it wants
5 Ed Sheeman / Shape of who
6 Bobbie Williams / Let me explain you
7 Shark-Ira / Lips don’t lie
8 Mariana Grande / No fears left to try
9 Space Girls / Wallabee
10 Destination Child / Dependent Woman Part I
11 Maradonna / Papa eats Peach
12 Justin Fever / When do you clean?
13 Tokio Hostel / Heavy rain
14 Shania Train / Man! Just be like a woman!
15 Amy Beerhouse / Back to Back
16 Kylie Vogue / Can’t get you out of my bed
17 Lillie Eyelash / Bad Girl
18 Frontstreet Boys / Nobody
19 Celine Dijon / All by my shelf
20 Rijanna / Can’t eat my mozarella
21 Katie Cherry / I kissed a boy
22 Cece Rexha / Me, myself and Hi
23 Hairy Styles / Honeymelon Sugar
24 Mariah Curry / Always be my maybe
25 J. Po / Jenny from the blog
26 Britney Tears / Poops…I did it again
27 Lady Gargamel / Mamarazzi
28 Mark Jonson feat. Kuno Mars / DownTown Funk
29 Taylor Shift / Mildest dreams
30 Take This / How deep is your cough